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June 7, 2022
Date of Event:


'Perfect fit': Halifax woman unknowingly buys used rollerskates she owned 40 years ago

Renée Forrestall was looking for a‘vintage’ pair on local classified websites

At the age of 60, Renée Forrestall wanted to get back intoroller-skating.It had been more than 40 years since she put on a pair ofskates. The Halifax resident thought returning to the activity would be a funway to exercise.She bought new skates and practised for a week, butthey didn't feel right. They didn't feel like the ones she had as a teenager.Shebegan searching online classified sites for something similar to her vintageboots.Renée Forrestall saw an online ad for a used pair of roller skates thatlooked like the ones she had as a teenager. To her surprise, she learned theywere the skates she owned 40 years ago. (Jeorge Sadi/CBC)A man inDartmouth had just posted an identical pair for $40. No size was mentioned, theskates had no laces in them and they were pretty dirty, Forrestall said.Butthere was something about these skates, she thought, and she decided totake a chance. A few days later, she went to the seller's home to try them on."Itwas like a Cinderella-and-the-slipper moment," she said. "It was likea perfect fit. I couldn't believe it."What happened next was even harderto believe. As Forrestall was tying up the skates, she flipped back the tongueof one of the boots and saw her name written inside."I thought, 'Who!?How?' And then I said, 'This is me! These are mine!'"

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