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July 21, 2020
Date of Event:


Boy FindsDog Tag Missing 46 Years & Returns It to Late Soldier's Family

When 12-year-old KoltonConrad found a dog tag while kayaking with his dad, he immediately knew he'dstumbled upon something special. Rather than keeping it for himself, Kolton askedfor his mom's help finding Rhonemus, the name on the dog tag. With a littlehelp from social media, Kolton's mom soon connected with Kimberly, the sisterof the late U.S. marine Steven Rhonemus. 

 It turns out, Stevenpassed away in a motorcycle accident in 1974, meaning his dog tag had been lostfor more than 46 years! Kolton and his parents arranged to meet Kimberly in thepark and present her with the tag. 

 "For him to realizethe meaning behind the tag and to hold on to it, to help a stranger's family,it's amazing," said Kimberly. Even more special, Kimberly was able to passthe tag down to Steven's daughter, who was born after he died. "It wasemotional when she got it. She said it felt like God was letting her know herdad was with her and watching over her."

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