Good Samaritan Stops Attempted Baby Snatching withJiu-Jitsu
A good samaritan usedhis martial arts training and jiu-jitsu to come to the rescue of a mom whowas struggling to stop a stranger from snatching her baby in a New York CityPark.
It all started when he heard a woman screaming as he was sitting on a bench inthe park.
When he looked up he saw a man trying to take a baby in a stroller from thebaby's mom, who was holding onto the stroller with a 4-year-oldchild in her arms. There were a couple of people trying to stop theperson, but he was refusing to let go of the stroller.
The good guy grabbed the man from behind, wrestled him to the ground andthen pinned him.He kept the man on the ground for about 15 minutes, until parksecurity arrived and place him in handcuffs.
The woman left the park with the baby and the other child, but came back tothank the samaritan for intervening.
The suspect was taken into custody and transported to a local hospital for apsychological evaluation.