John Butler, a teacher at Hahnville High School in Boutte,Louisiana, had a pretty good reason for standing in his socks during theschool's graduation ceremony. He had given a student, Daverius Peters, theshoes off of his own feet. "Daverius came up to me in a panic and hesaid, 'Mr. John, they're not going to let me graduate.' And I said, 'Why?' Andhe said, 'Because of the shoes that I'm wearing,'" Butler said.
A school representative barred Peters from the ceremony, sayinghis black sneakers with white soles didn't meet the dress code. The 18-year-oldsaid he was pacing outside when he saw Butler's familiar face and told him whathappened. "It was just a no-brainer to me to just take my shoes offand give them to him," Butler said.They were big shoes to fill — two sizestoo big.
"So I just slipped them on like slippers" Peters said.He told CBS News that, in that moment, "I felt the joy. The whole day, Icouldn't wait to 6 o'clock, couldn't wait to get ready to graduate across thestage."Peters described Butler as a "motivator" and said"he's a hero.""Be kind to one another, be thoughtful, beempathetic, try to understand where other people are coming from. I just try mybest to be the best human that I possibly can best for my kids. And I try tolead by example every day," Butler said.