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May 22, 2020
Date of Event:


Dad Builds Stage in Driveway to Host a ProperCollege Graduation for Daughter

Graduation hasbecome a bleak subject for seniors due to the coronavirus pandemic.But, one father took it upon himself to make sure his daughter had a great daydespite being confined to their home. 

Memphisnative Torrence Burson couldn't stand to see his daughter, GabriellePierce, upset over the fact she didn't get to have a traditional graduationceremony. After spending four years at Xavier University of Louisiana, Bursonwanted his daughter's accomplishments to be acknowledged."After all thoseyears, you’re going to walk across somebody’s stage if I have to build you onemyself," Burson told the local Fox affiliate. 

And that's exactly what Burson did. Thefather turned their driveway into a commencement ceremony that was fitted witha podium, an audience, and a stage. To make the ceremonyfeel official, Burson included a procession, invocation, nationalanthem, welcome, song, commencement address, and the conferring of hisdaughter's degree. Burson even created mock programs which jokingly readthat Whitney Houston would be singing "The Star-SpangledBanner."

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