Data of morethan 170,000 adults shows that those who drink between two and fourcups of coffee daily regardless of added sugar, appear to live longer lives.The analysis was conducted by scientists in China who sourced 171,616participants from the UK Biobank survey, which took place between 2006 and2010, and had completed at least one questionnaire regarding their diet.Overthe course of the survey period, 3,177 participants died, including 1,725 fromcancer and 628 from heart disease. Once researchers considered other lifestyleand medical factors that might impact their risk of death, they discovered that coffeedrinkers had fared better in the long run — and it didn’t matter whether theyadded sugar, or what kind of coffee, including decaf, they drank.
Benefits were mostpronounced among the group who drank between two and four cups per day, whose risk of earlydeath was 30% less likely than non-consumers. However, those who drank coffeewith an artificial sweetener, as opposed to real sugar, did not livesignificantly longer than those who drank no coffee at all. Researchers believeother health factors may be at play in this case, including higher rates ofobesity and hypertension among the artificial sweeteners group.