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April 10, 2023
Date of Event:

Ever wonder how to hypnotize a chicken?  Wonder no more!. calm a high-strung bird withthe oscillating finger method or sternum stroke method.

OscillatingFinger Method

1) Place the chicken on its side with a wing under its body.Hold it down gently with one hand. Note: You will want to make sure its head isflat on the table.

2) Using a finger from your other free hand, move your fingerback and forth in front of the bird’s beak. The key is to go from the tip ofits beak (without actually touching the beak) to a point that is about fourinches from the beak.

3) Keeping the finger in a parallel line to the beak, repeat themotion until the bird is out.

SternumStroke Method

1) Place the bird gently on its back. Note: You may have to usean item to keep the bird from rolling to its side.

2) Hold the bird down with one hand.

3) With your free hand, lightly massage the bird’s sternum withyour thumb and index finger slightly spread out.

4) Repeat until the bird is out.

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