Florida Sheriff Looking to Return $2 Million inMarijuana to Rightful Owner
A Florida sheriff took tosocial media with some 700 pounds of marijuana that authorities wanted to"return" to its rightful owner.
The post on Facebook argued the office was just trying to “do the rightthing.”The sheriff wrote, “Since at the BrevardCounty Sheriff’s Office we always strive to do the right thing, our NarcoticsAgents are trying to identify the rightful owner of the approximately 770 lbsof marijuana that was seized from a mini-storage facility in Viera. I mean,trying to identify the rightful owner of the property is the very least we cando, especially since it has a street value of roughly two million dollars!!Once we properly identify you as the rightful owner we will gladly return yourproperty and also make sure that both you and your property are kept in asecure area so that no one can try to rip you off!!"
The sheriff always encourages the fugitives to turn themselves in.