People Who Regularly Eat Breakfast are Happier, MoreSuccessfulYour career may benefit fromstarting the day off with breakfast.
A survey of 2,000 Americans, which was split between 1,000breakfast eaters and 1,000 who don’t eat breakfast, reveals that thosewho have a morning meal are more likely to receive a promotion at work.
Sixty-five percent of these respondents say they have moved up in a positionover the course of their career. In comparison, only 38 percent of respondentswho didn’t eat breakfast said the same.
Eating breakfast might benefit your love life, too. The survey finds thatbreakfast eaters are more likely to get married. In fact, 60 percentof those who eat breakfast say they’ve tied the knot as opposed to just 41percent of those who skipped the morning meal.
On a scale of 1-10, breakfast eaters reported slightly higher overall lifesatisfaction. They give their life an average rating of six, whilepeople who don’t eat breakfast gave their lives an average rating of five.
Breakfast eaters also seem more likely to look on the bright side of things.Seven in 10 breakfast eaters report being optimistic about what the futureholds. Only 57 percent of non-breakfast eaters said the same.