Retail industry experts say we could see more consumer productsstart shrinking in size or quantity or both because of rising costs.
Record levels of inflation means households are paying more foreveryday purchases and it’s costing companies more to produce packaged itemslike paper products, shampoos as well as food and beverage products.Companies can raise prices, and manyare. Others are charging customers the same price while offering less.
Product downsizing, also known as “shrinkflation,” ishappening with toilet paper. It’s happening because companies are paying morefor raw materials, production and delivery costs.Procter &Gamble’s Charmin’s ultra soft toilet paper 18-count mega package now contains244 two-ply sheets, down from a previous 264 double-ply sheets per roll. Supermega rolls of the brand now display 366 sheets versus a previous 396 sheets perroll.
P&G said it wasraising prices to its retail customers for 10 product categories, includingdetergents, dryer sheets, baby and feminine care products.