Last month, Dolly Parton was nominated for induction into the RockAnd Roll Hall Of Fame, but a few days ago, she said she would “respectfully bow out” from contention, writing in a statement,“Even though I am extremely flattered and grateful to be nominated for the RockAnd Roll Hall Of Fame, I don’t feel that I have earned that right.” Now, theRock Hall has responded and they’ve decided to move forward with Parton on their 2022 ballot.
In a statement (as Variety notes),the Rock Hall wrote:
“All of us in the music community have seen Dolly Parton’sthoughtful note expressing her feeling that she has not earned the right to beinducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. In addition to her incredibletalent as an artist, her humility is another reason Dolly is a beloved icon bymillions of fans around the world. […]
From its inception, Rock and Roll has had deep roots in Rhythm& Blues and Country music. It is not defined by any one genre, rather asound that moves youth culture. Dolly Parton’s music impacted a generation ofyoung fans and influenced countless artists that followed. Her nomination to beconsidered for induction into to the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame followed thesame process as all other artists who have been considered. […]